Southeastern New England - District 34

Jump Start

Would you like some free instruction on your boat?

Are you the owner of a motor boat that is new to you?

Is the boat 30’ or less in length?

Do you boat in eastern MA or RI? (Either fresh or salt water)

Jump Start is perfect for the new boat owner who wants to handle their boat with skill and confidence! There are only 3 steps:

  1. Pass our America’s Boating Course (or provide proof the you passed an equivalent course)
  2. Join a District 34 Club. There are 7 in eastern MA and Cape Cod.
  3. Get a free Vessel Safety Check for your boat. We will help make that happen.

Then we will have a trained ABClub volunteer instructor call you, conduct a phone interview and set an appointment to meet you at your boat. For 2 - 3 hours we will teach you concepts of pivot points in forward and reverse, docking/undocking with wind & current, maneuvering in narrow fairways, slow speed maneuvering, 3-point turns, anchoring, etc.

To start his process, check with the instructor at your class/seminar. Or contact Joe Kelliher: 508 446 7957

Basic Steering Skills Practice

I'll place appropriate course details here